This summer has gone way too fast. We had what I will call a memorable vacation to Chincoteague, Virginia, Ocean City, Maryland, then Williamsburg, Virginia. Our poor Josie was the first to be sick followed by Blake. Poor Blake's body decided to play a mean joke on her and cursed her body with a high temperature the entire vacation with the exception of the last day. The good new was she was able to spend quality time with her Mom Mom who played nurse the entire weekend and luckily is a nurse by profession. I'm sure Blake was her best patient!
Our top ten of our vacation moments include:
- Mr. Whippies Ice Cream Spot in Chincoteague
- The Fractured Prune in Ocean City
- Spotting what we believed to be a shark outside Matt's parents place. Our own "Shark Week"
- Playing at the beach with grand parents
- Hanging out in the hot tub, which we kept luke warm to accomidate the kids
- Trying to consume ice cream each day for two weeks
- Coming home and jumping on the scale, oh no!!!
- Playing gestures with family, our stomach hurt the next day from laughing so much.
- Coming home to the house we adore...